Sunday, August 17, 2008

Environmental Heroes

The EPA has awarded so groups Hero Status for their efforts to reshape our future environments, bless them. For more info on the awardees

Here is an Update on our Trashy Habits posting: since have discovered the JUNK Ship project by the Algalita Marine Research Foundation - this project was among the HERO Award winners.

The Junk Ship Sails The Ocean O Plastic

Departing from Los Angeles on June 2nd for Hawaii, Algalita staff set sail on "Junk," a raft built on 15,000 plastic bottles. Their 2,100 mile journey will take them through the plastic-plagued Northern Pacific Gyre. Designed by Dr. Marcus Eriksen and Joel Paschal, the raft boasts an airplane fuselage, discarded fishing nets, a solar generator, and a wind turbine. This ambitious journey will bring further public attention to the plastic marine debris issue.

You can be a part of the journey and project via the Message in the Bottle Campaign

Other Interesting Environmental Quality Stats for those living and breathing in CA.
State Of The Air

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