Thursday, July 31, 2008

Smooth Operators

2 Products from Mario Badescu Skincare- NYC. Got Our Skin Thankful.

Seaweed Cleansing Soap $12
Seaweed extracts make for s gentle exfoliating cleanser that removes make-up and residue without stripping your skin.

Gingkgo Mask $22

Gincko Biloba and Russian Ginseng, renowned as plants of life, are the basis for unique gel-like mask. Rich in natural vitamens and Amino-Acids. Also, some ingredients that facilitate circulation. Lovely.

Yon-Ka Serum $40
Repairing Concentrate made of Botanical Essential Oils

Naime's in LA (Studio City), Larchmont Beauty (Larchmont Village)
MadKat in SF (Cole Valley)

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