Saturday, November 22, 2008

Planetary Meditation for Peace - Monday 11/29

Friend Tyger Kahn will be hosting the special weekly meditation for the Planetary Peace Movement International.November 29, 6AM and 6PM PST.

The Planetary Meditation for Peace is a non-sectarian meditation that is practiced in over 70 countries throughout the world. This powerful universal meditation or prayer, can be used by almost anyone desiring to contribute loving energy toward achieving Global Harmony and World Peace.

The Planetary Meditation for Peace [also known as the Meditation on Twin Hearts], is a simple and effective meditation which fills the practitioner with tremendous Divine Energy. This energy is used to bless Mother Earth, our countries, our families and our friends, and all those who are in need of help.

In addition to the meditation Tyger will also be part of a discussion on Clairvoyance and how the Meditation on Twin Hearts can help you see better.

Tyger has studied for the past 15 years with Highly Respected Master Stephen Co of the American Institute of Asian Studies, and Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of the Institute for Inner Studies in the Phillippines and the modern founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga

For more information on Tyger Kahn

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