Wednesday, October 29, 2008


A "tween" of Ipod and Internet Radio its the SLACKER
Personalized Radio Player
Customize your own Radio Stations and No Advertizing

You buy the device and get Millions of songs free -available on

Oh, and there's an Obama station on it too.

The Slacker G2 plays unlimited free music on one sleek, ultra-portable player. Whether you listen to one of over 100 expert-programmed Slacker radio stations or custom stations that you create, the music evolves as you listen. New songs are personally selected for you and automatically loaded on the Slacker G2 so your radio stations are always ready to play wherever you go. The Slacker G2 delivers free access to millions of songs from thousands of artists, featuring the best music from all of the major labels and thousands of independents.

Listen to unlimited free music
Displays album art and reviews, artist bios and more
Built-in Wi-Fi automatically adds free music when connected
Music plays whether connected or not
Plays your MP3 collection


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

My friend has one of these. They're really cool. I'm considering switching from my iPhone because I'm a big fan of the radio features.