We have just learned that SF School District has initiated a program for teachers which provides an educational guide book with Jimi Hendrix gracing the cover with the following musings "Remember the first time you heard Jimi Hendrix?" "Our plan is as transformational now as his music was then!" We don't have a copy but sounds good.
For more gory details on the state of affairs in arts education.....visit our blog

A very special thanks to all the wonderful people who help bring the orchestra of music to life..... please help to keep the music alive and the arts programs in our public schools.
Just for fun- I've included a video clip of one of our personal faves....Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith talking about how he got his start in music.
Even though he does refer to yours truly as a 'naughty school girl' (must have been the pigtails) - we still love him.
Promise to get better with our camera angles next time.