Monday, May 26, 2008
What about God and Science
Here's what some had to say.
What do you think?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Chris Isaaks' Gretsch Guitar Gets Gold

This Gretsch acoustic guitar, personalized with Isaak's own illustrations (yes, he is good at that too) which Chris also signed- recently sold for $9000 at non-profit event hosted by Junior League of San Francisco.

Chris plays a special show at the Hollywood Bowl with the LA Phil next month- July 11/12.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Vintage Boutique Surprise
I was on a mission that day- in search of a very specific item - a 1970's style blue windbreaker with snaps- something I owned a while back, lost and it had appeared so prominently in my dream that I set out on a mission to find it again. Didn't find it, but found so many wonderful distinctive things for myself -dresses, shoes, vintage bags and now one of my fav necklaces.
Usually, I don't find that many things I like under one roof, I stayed there much longer And what a lovely group of women that run this special boutique, called Kathy's.
Men and women's clothes, hats, jewelry, suits, shoes and more.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Soul of Architecture

While many of us would love to live or work in an architectural wonder, few of us have the opportunity.
If William McDonough's Cradle to Cradle (C2) is any indication of a future life, we might have the experience.
Below is an excerpt from Architectural Week about C2C along with the winning design.
In 2002, architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart published Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, in which they argued that energy efficiency and waste reduction are not sufficient as sustainability goals. Architects should instead aim for waste avoidance. To explore possibilities for implementation, an international Cradle to Cradle Home Design and Construction Competition called for submissions with innovative approaches to materials and systems for sustainable residential design. The winning team, from Seattle, presents their design that reflects the paradigm and vision laid out in the book. — Editor
The Cradle to Cradle (C2C) standbased on the premise that the "three Rs," reduce, reuse, recycle — all preferred alternatives to ards are simply dumping waste — are mere Band-Aids. McDonough and Braungart say we should instead eliminate waste in the first place by crafting our modern systems and patterns of living to more closely mimic natural systems, where waste does not exist.
Our design for the C2C competition doesn't just eliminate waste in its operation; it creates energy to share with neighbors and the community at large.Sukhavati

Check this one out; Joseph Campbell's "hypnotic and mesmerizing film.....a deeply personal, almost spiritual portrait"
Sukhavati (in Campbell's words)
We're in a free fall into future. We don't know where we're going. Things are changing so fast. And always when you're going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. But all you have to do to transform you hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. Its a very interesting shift of perspective...Joyfully participate in the sorrows of the world and everything changes."
Sunday, May 11, 2008
According to Pamela Yager "Everyone is 2 degrees from a future bride and 1 degree from having a great party."
- Pamela Yager, is the Founder & CEO of Brides Night Out . Yager, a former standup comedienne in NYC then LA, keeps making them laugh. Her inspired party business, Brides Night Out, incorporates comedy as a key element in the planned night on the town.
And not just any ordinary night, the party guide is a professional comedian and will infuse much humor into the evening.
With the recent CA decision to legalize same sex unions there will be a big increase in her business.
Yager's mention in Wiki
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Venus in Scorpio
Those with Venus in Scorpio are the ones most likely to take a mystical, magical ride in the name of love. The fact that these folks are already mysterious serves to enhance the journey. Intense and powerful, those with this placement make for the most passionate and exciting of lovers. A bit naughty? You bet! That Scorpion in the House of Love can inflict a bite which will linger longer, and a darned sexy one at that. These are individuals who want it all: a connection on an intellectual, spiritual and physical level is the bare minimum. Added to that must be zest, fire and an intensity of epic proportions! With Venus in Scorpio, finding mates is not a problem. What will ensue, however, will be most interesting! Even so, these folks want their relationships to be keepers, valuing as they do a solid connection with a loyal partner. Anything short of this could break this lover's heart in two. That said, those with their Venus in Scorpio will be most blissful with someone who can match their passion and zest step for step. This game of love will be hot, but it's the end game which matters most.