Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Desolate Angel and Dead-ly Scribe

Desolate Angel: Jack Kerouac, The Beat Generation, and America

Penned by Dennis McNally, Author and Biographer of epics including Long Strange Trip. An

At the request of Jerry Garcia, McNally toured with the band as their publicist and chronicler for over a decade. A must read for Deadheads.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Writer Jeff Goodell (RollingStone) quips that the ethanol boom is just another manifestation of America's blind faith that technology will solve all our problems.

His article here

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bed of Nails & The Inner Circle

While recently deconstructing the tale of my visit on a bed of nails in the desert some years ago- I recounted my crazy experience with Chan in Jim Mason's procession to the inner circle carting flame thrower fire cannons -aka the Impotence Compensation.

Big Fire Cannons around the Man a.k.a. Impotence Compensation Project
by Jim Mason, 1998
Once again on the night of the burn the Man will be saluted by Jim Mason's fire cannons. Four cannons will circle the Man, shooting out flames to a height of 120 feet. In front of the Man another cannon will blast out a tower of fire 160 feet in the air. The Fire Cannons will perform for us a very high-altitude pyrotechnic ballet, monumental, overwhelming, and curiously intimate.

We still think about that V-8 Engine margarita mixer Jim brought around town in those days. Pix to come...(can't find that Bed Of Nails one, but found this of my PIC Cyn)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Striped IceBergs

Amazing striped icebergs

Icebergs in the Antarctic area sometimes have stripes, formed by layers of snow that react to different conditions.

Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet
Fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form.

When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can
Freeze to the underside. If this is rich in algae, it can form a
Green stripe.

Brown, black and yellow lines are caused by sediment, picked up
When the ice sheet grinds downhill towards the sea.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Peace Bus - Rolling On

Got a call from Jim tonight .........he needs our support.

Yellow Rose of Texas had burned in New Jersey....

Jaime's Clip

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Aromatherapy Baths

Aromatherapy Baths
From Golden Aromatherapy.

One wonderful way to use essential oils is in aromatherapy baths.

Aromatherapy baths is a great way to de-stress and decontaminate the

The use of essential oils will add different colored energies to the

Such as sandalwood adds green prana, Frankincense adds orange prana,
Eucalyptus adds orange, Rose adds Pink Prana, Lavender adds bluish

Different color combinations enhance the purifying and Healing

Master Choa Kok Sui recommended putting the oils into the salt,
mixing it in, then putting them into the bath.

When Blessed oils are added to salt baths, scanning reveals that the
Water and salt also become highly energized.

When the blessed oil is added to the water, the water becomes
Blessed, a Baptism by water. When the body is submerged in the water
tremendous purification takes place Physically, mentally,
Emotionally, spiritually.

The energetic properties help to disintegrate negative, repressed and
blocked energies in the energy centers and aura of the

Healing bath- 5 drops of each of these - Patchouli, cedarwood, black
pepper, tea tree, sandalwood oil, spikenard oil, clove oil

Energizing bath- rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon oil, peppermint oil,
black pepper

Romance bath- 3 drops of each of the following- Sandalwood, Rose,
Jasmine, Neroli, Lavender, Ylang Ylang and 3 pounds salt.

Cellulite bath - use lemon oil, pink grapefruit oil, orange oil,
juniper berry
tangerine oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, use only 3 drops of
each, and 3 pounds salt

Super deep physical cleansing bath- use eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon,
clove, orange,Tangerine, frankincense, 5 drops of each, then 1 drop Lemongrass,
and 3 pounds salt.

Please visit, or email at if you have any questions, or call 816-

Monday, February 11, 2008

Fathers Q Time

Ha, some old QT footage - circa QT 2.0

Guest Starring Peter Hoddie and Jim Batson....and diet coke, banana....

Real McCoy of BH

Little Josh, just got very big. We celebrated his 14th b-day with friends in Hollywood while "J" was honored with a Gold Record for his hit song on the Jump In (Disney)
Check out his new tune "Cute"

McCoy also announced his new TV series, The Real McCoy of Beverly Hills.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Let It Grow

Let It Grow
by Eric Clapton

Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs
To tell me which way I should go to find the answer,
And all the time I know,
Plant your love and let it grow.

Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow.
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it grow.

Looking for a reason to check out of my mind,
Trying hard to get a friend that I can count on,
But there's nothing left to show,
Plant your love and let it grow.


Time is getting shorter and there's much for you to do.
Only ask and you will get what you are needing,
The rest is up to you.
Plant your love and let it grow.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Friendly Fire - Lennon

Like this record from Sean Lennon. Backstory below - Source: Times UK On-line
Friendly Fire is a collection of songs about the end of his four-year relationship with the actress and musician Bijou Phillips, after she slept with his best friend, Max LeRoy. Lennon, heartbroken at being betrayed, poured his anger into a bitter song called Dead Meat, now the opener on his album. “Dead meat,” he croons over a disarmingly sweet music-box melody. “You’re nothing but dead meat… You’re gonna get what you deserve.”

The tragic punch line to this romantic soap opera is that LeRoy is now dead. “He passed away in a motorcycle crash last November,” explains Lennon sadly. The pair had been friends since childhood, living across the hall from each other, and had often shared a room as boys. “We were like twins,” he adds. After LeRoy died, Lennon “flipped out” and threw himself into making Friendly Fire — the oxymoronic title an allusion to the truism that you always end up hurting the ones you love. “I thought I had learnt to let go of things after my dad passed away,” he says. “But this definitely tested that. I knew my friend for 30 years, as opposed to five.”

Lennon and LeRoy never made up, something that still haunts the singer: “I think the thing I regret most is that Max isn’t around for me to reconcile with him. That’s probably one of the greatest tragedies that has ever befallen me.” He is adamant that the album, which chronicles his feelings in song — anger turning to sadness, leaving the clear impression that he is still in love with Phillips — is not meant to be taken too literally. “It’s art, not life, you know. I’m mythologising my life, but ‘myth’ is the key word. It’s not a documentation of the way things actually happened.”